Royal Academy Palampur is a premier coaching institute located at Palampur, Kangra in Himachal Pradesh founded by Mr. Prakash Kajlet in 2016 A.D
Founder and Director of Royal Academy Mr. Prakash Kajlet holds the Record of qualifying highest number of competitive examnations in youngest age which includes UPSC-IAS, IRS, HPPSC-HAS,Allied, NT , Exams conducted by HPSSC, Patwari, Panchayat Secretary, TGT Science, Supervisor, Railway and SSC Exams.
He was eager to join only IAS but Unfortunately he could not get it so he did not join other services under Center and State Government.
On 18th April 2018 Royal Academy get registered in H.P Govt. under Himachal Pradesh Shops and Commercial Establishments Act. 1969.
After some time Kajlet Started “Free Coaching mission named - SELF RELIANT-Atamnirbhar ” to help students of Economically Weaker section, in which he teach and guide them with study material in regular batches and help them in higher education too.Many Students are getting benefit from this mission every year.
For contributions and various achievements Mr.Prakash Kajlet is awarded with various awards.
In Feb 2021 Prakash Kajlet is Awarded with ” Himachal Achievers 2021″ by former Chief Minister Of Himachal Pradesh Sh. Jai Ram Thakur.
He is awarded with "Himachal Icon-2023" by The Deputy Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Sh. Mukesh Agnihotri.
He is also Awarded With "Himachal Gaurav Award" By The Governor Of Himcahal Pradesh Sh Shiv Pratap Shukla for his efforts and achievements in the field of education in Himachal Pradesh
He also received "Himachal Riser Award" By the Governor of Himachal Pradesh Sh.Shiv Pratap Shukla for his contribution in the upliftment of Himachal Pradesh.
The Deputy Commissioner Of Distt. Kangra Hemraj Bairwa also appriciated Prakash Kajlet for Empowering Lives at Orphanage Homes of Distt. Kangra in H.P by providing career counseling to them.
His wife and Deputy Director of company Mrs Jyoti Rawat Also received "Nari Shakti Samman" From the Hand of The Governor of H.P Sh. Shiv Pratap Shukla for her relentless dedication and contribution to women empowerment in Himachal Pradesh.
In July 2022 Royal Academy Palampur became a Private Limited Company (and it is named KJR India Academy Pvt Ltd) Under Ministry of Corporate affairs, Govt of India.
At present students of the Royal Academy Palampur Are working in most of the prestigious institutions of the state and country.
Prakash sir is world's best tutor and best mentor. Royal academy Palampur(KJR India Academy Pvt Ltd) is best platform for those who are really striving for bright future. Positively Life Changing institute and Amazing facility, Peaceful studious environment.
Learning began with interest..... " And interest is not created... It's natural... If you desire to ready to do smart work and hard work... Then you must enroll for any competitive exams.!! Exams can not be clear with hard work only..... "Hard work need smart work also.." ..